FKT: Alea Razmjou - Cranberry Lake 50 (NY) - 2024-05-09

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 29m 3s
GPS track(s)
CL50.gpx4.58 MB

I began the Cranberry Lake 50 at the Cranberry Lake boat launch with my friend Syd Steger. Syd ran with me for the first 10 miles through the Peavine Swamp section. Just after the foot bridge in Wanakena I met Liam Ebner to change into shorts and eat a pickle. I kept going to the high falls loop which was very flooded due to beaver dams, but beautiful nonetheless. Around mile 20 I met up with Liam and Syd again to put dry shoes on, eat more pickles and fill up on fresh water. I then proceeded into a long stretch of no assistance. The trail around Olmstead Pond was difficult to navigate due to flooding and a reroute that has not started yet. I stopped somewhere around Dog Pond to fill up on water and filter it, as well as put dry socks on. I filled up on water again at Cranberry Lake before entering the final stretch. Liam ran with me for the final 1.75 on the Campground trail to the E Connector trail. I continued onto the final 1.8 miles on the road back to the Cranberry Lake boat launch and finished the trail in just under 11.5 hours.