FKT: Jamieson Hatt - Great Rail Loop - 2024-04-21

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3d 20h 0m 0s

This was an unsupported attempt that turned into self-supported. More details on that later. I started in Smith Falls with about 8lbs of food and 1.5 litres of water. I didn't weigh my base weight, but I estimate it was roughly 10lbs. I left my vehicle at Walmart which was only a couple minutes away from where I was starting. My plan was to finish in less than 4 days. I had only done a couple small sections on the Cataraqui and K & P before, so this was basically all new to me. I was also really looking forward to going through all of these new towns I had never been to. I stayed at a hotel in Smith Falls the night before and felt relaxed and ready. 

Day 1- 56.5 miles. I started at 4:45am and decided to go counter clockwise. This would mean I would do the road section through Smith Falls first. I felt good, hiked fast and ran little bits here and there. I went through some of the bigger towns on this day. Although my plan was unsupported so I didn't stop or anything. I only stopped to filter water. I really should have cut this day shorter, but it was still early and I also had some trouble finding the right sleep spot at the end of the night. I did finally find something and set up camp. Success, but I do feel like starting early on this day and doing decent mileage would cost me later on.

Day 2- 47.5 miles. Woke up and got moving. Ended up going through the town of Renfrew at a decent time. After this it was all desolate, which I was looking forward to. There were some really beautiful sections on this day! Not many road crossings at all. Felt like I was in the middle of nowhere minus the odd cottage. I did start feeling the top of my left foot tightening up, but ignored and kept moving. Some random guy in a truck offered me a place to stay and food which I of course declined. I think he was pretty surprised to see a hiker out here. It rained a fair amount today and I'm glad I had my good rain gear with me. About halfway done.

Day 3- 44 miles. Well I woke up and my left foot didn't really want to work today. I thought about hitching back to Smith Falls. I gave it some time though and it loosened up, although still no fun. These things are already hard enough. Today was the toughest day by far. I struggled mentally and physically. I knew I was getting slower and slower. I felt off. I think the food I brought would have worked if I was doing shorter days. I decided it wasn't enough and made the decision to turn it into self-supported. It pains me to do it, but I think it was the right decision. I stopped at a gas station and got some juice and candy. I also knew I was going to hit a grocery store later, which I used to stock up. I also looked into getting a room to stay at, but it didn't work out. So one more sleep on the trail and hopefully get done the next day, and with a full belly.

Day 4- 54.5 miles. I started the day wondering if I could actually make it back to my car today.  I had to give it my best shot. I had the chance to stop at one more store in the morning and took full advantage. I was now on the Cataraqui which was the last of the 3 trails. I moved the best I could throughout the day. I did not want to camp out again and  still wanted to finish in under 4 days. So my plan was to take a nap later on then go into the night. I also got hailed on a couple times today. The sun eventually came out and I took a nap on the side of the trail. I actually slept for about 45 minutes. So now I just had to do one last push. I ate a massive meal thanks to my store stops and was ready to go. I was even able to move well and run some despite my foot hurting. I was very happy when I got to the sign where I had started.

So, as always I am humbled by the experience. I've never switched FKT styles mid FKT, so something new for me although I don't want to make it a habit. I just need to learn from my mistakes and continue to grow. This stuff never gets easier. Overall though, I had some great moments out there that I will remember.