FKT: Alex King - Mt St Helens (WA) - 2020-08-29

Route variation
Monitor Ridge ascent
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 23m 10s

Ascent time: 1:23:10

Round Trip time: 2:12:44 (did not take Monitor Ridge down, see below)

Started from Climbers Bivouac Trailhead and headed up the Monitor Ridge route. Very foggy down low and chilly temps but broke through the clouds just before reaching the Loowit trail for some incredible views of Adams popping out over a sea of clouds. As I got higher, the wind started picking up until near the top it turned into a volcanic dust blasting. Exfoliation at it's finest. Reached the rim in 1:17:32 and then scurried on over to the true summit while trying to pick sand and pebbles out of all the facial orifices.

Snapped a few quick pictures and then headed down. Started down Monitor ridge but took a little ravine offshoot that looked more fun which ended up taking me a ways off track. Met up with the Loowit trail and followed it back to the proper descent trail. Got back to the Trailhead info sign at Climbers Bivouac with a total time of 2:12:44.

Only had been up Helens in the winter on skis previously so this was a wonderful new Cascade experience!