FKT: Gordon Cameron - Aberdeen Ancient Boundary Stones (United Kingdom) - 2021-06-15

Route variation
One way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 30m 51s

I had spent many weeks figuring out the best way for me to do this so others can also follow the course while being authentic to the route and without there being any problems with landowners etc... 

The actual day of the attempt was delayed due to a cold but by the 15th I felt well enough to give it a go. Starting around 10 AM at the side of the River Dee just down from the Wellington Bridge it seemed pretty daunting but I had broken the course down in my head to manageable sections and I just started to get through the first section. The first 10K came up in just under an hour which was good, everything felt good. The 2nd 10K was mostly remote running outside of the city but it still came up in under an hour. The HM was up in around 2:06 and I was feeling good. Just after Wynford Farm and before Auchmill Golf club the elevation kicked in and then there was the stairs to take me behind the golf course and to the first offroad section, needless to say things slowed down here. Once at the top of Bucksburn things were mostly downhill but it was tough going especially coming back up from the Persley Bridge and then up to Provest Rust Drive. The final K was a bit of a slog over the football pitches and golf course at the links and seeing the Omega Stone at the finish was very welcome. Final time 4:30:51 so plenty of scope to for others to take a god hour out of this!!

Overall a great experience planning and executing this course. Very happy to help others if any help needed with figuring out some of the more tricky parts of the course.