FKT: Michael Norton - Northwest Lancaster County River Trail (PA) - 2024-04-20

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 21m 41s

Today was a day to remember. I started and the Coffee and Cream in Columbia and made my way out and back. The weather was perfect today. I couldn’t have done it without my wife and son with their love and support and I couldn't have done this without my Coach. I was able to accomplish this FKT.  By mile 21 mentally I was letting the bad thoughts come in. Through all the pain I persevered and pushed through it all and was able to complete my main goal. I was trying to get an unofficial sub 3 Marathon time in all of it but that wasn’t in the cards. What a day it was. Never give up on chasing your dreams and goals and capture every moment.