FKT: Rami Haddad - Fisherman’s Track Cascais - Ericeira (Portugal) - 2024-05-02

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 38m 50s

The coastal route does not disappoint: four lighthouses & splendid views of the rocky coast.

As far as I can tell, the primary objective of this trail was to trace the coast line as close to the cliffs as possible. Everything else about trail condition & steepness was secondary.

This was a challenging trail. It took me much longer than expected. Some of those ancient trails were in poor condition: loose dirt on steep inclines & thick brush overgrowth that was difficult or impossible to pass through.

Twice I backed out of the trail to choose alternate. One was thick vegetation impossible to pass through. Retreated to follow GR11 then connected with trail shortly after. Second was when a gate & fence were closed. No way to get through. Retreated to take road then connect with trail soon after.

The network of trails was extensive. I had to focus constantly on GPS map to follow the correct trail.

Many service options along the way for water, food & access to bus as bail out option.