Posted Finished Athlete(s) Route Time
6 months 2 weeks ago Timo Veirto Luukki Seven Lakes Loop 1h 3m 31s
7 months 1 week ago Lindsay Weigel Old Speck Mtn (ME) 1h 45m 13s
7 months 1 week ago Chris Calimano Broadway (NY) 3h 59m 29s
7 months 1 week ago Carina Mackinger Walchensee Rundweg (Germany) 2h 24m 19s
6 months 3 weeks ago Erin Ton, Chris Fisher Malinche (Mexico) 2h 15m 28s
7 months 1 week ago Lexi Jackson Mt Waumbek (NH) 1h 19m 4s
7 months 1 week ago Chris Roberts Green Rock Trail (MO) 4h 24m 52s
6 months 1 week ago Jessica Johnson 2 London Bridges 50k (United Kingdom) 4h 34m 37s
7 months 1 week ago Ian Saunders Central Park Loop Challenge (NY) 2h 27m 51s
7 months 1 week ago Robert Webber Verdugo Mountains Traverse (CA) 2h 53m 28s
7 months 1 week ago Jakub Ciechanowski Szlak Dolinek Jurajskich (Poland) 11h 34m 2s
7 months 1 week ago Martin French, Bevan Johnson Erme Plym Trail 3h 17m 16s
7 months ago Georg Kunzfeld, Andreas Pihaly Georg-Fahrbach-Weg 23h 21m 42s
7 months 1 week ago Jemma Lander Cuckoo Trail (United Kingdom) 3h 17m 33s
7 months 1 week ago Brasov - Twin Peaks 6h 32m 52s
7 months 1 week ago Justin Kousky George Washington Bridge / Tappan Zee Bridge loop (NY, NJ) 5h 19m 25s
7 months 1 week ago Dean Banko Lower to Upper Baughman Trail, uphill then downhill, out and back (PA) 53m 41s
7 months 1 week ago Megan Cooke Green Mtn (Boulder, CO) 16m 9s
7 months 1 week ago Heidi Nydam Rucu Pichincha (Ecuador) 5h 27m 54s
7 months ago Stan Flemming Montgomery Bell Trail (TN) 1h 33m 48s
7 months ago Anni Johann Hong Kong Trail (Hong Kong) 5h 54m 22s
3 months 2 weeks ago Piotr Babis Mt Anne 2h 59m 5s
6 months 2 weeks ago Thomas Day Taith Ardudwy Way 6h 9m 10s
5 months 3 weeks ago Volker Buschka Circuit Bois du Boucanet (France) 1h 0m 11s
7 months ago Ella Corrick Scotland Crossing, Ardgay - Ullapool (United Kingdom) 7h 53m 31s