Route: Mount Barney

Submitted by Quinton Gill on Mon, 05/15/2023 - 02:04am
Queensland, AU
13.4 km
Vertical Gain
1,263 m

Mount Barney National Park is part of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area, one of Queensland's five Australia World Heritage properties, and part of the World Heritage Family. 

KOM Route (Submitted by Quinton Gill)

Distance: 13.4km. Vertical Gain: 1,263m

This is the most Iconic and Runnable Route in Mount Barney National park.

Starting from yellow pinch car park you head up the southeast ascent of mount barney, once at the summit you then head down the other side towrds the rum jungle campsite in the saddle then back down the south route (peasants ridge) and follow it back to yellow pinch car park to finish.

This is a very technical trail that requires proper navigation skills and mountain running experience to attempt.

If you think you have what it takes to take down this FKT get your ankles ready!

Triple Peak Route (Submitted by Todd Dawson)

Distance: 57km. Vertical Gain: 4,059m

Starting from Yellow pinch carpark run out to Lower & Upper portals and scramble up river to the base of Barney gorge. Head up Barney gorge till you reach the rum jungle and turn right to summit west peak. Head down to locate the start of Peasants ridge near rum jungle and continue down into the valley till your back at Yellow pinch carpark.

Continue past Yellow pinch carpark till you cross the concrete bridge and head through the gate that is straight ahead of you, turn right and head up the open fire trail till you reach the start of Logan's ridge. Follow the ridge line, which has multiple difficult vertical sections and one major couloir. Once past this, continue following the main ridge and more difficult vertical rock face leading to the summit. 

Head down from summit and into rum jungle to location Peasants ridge for the second time, following route down till you arrive at the start of Southeast ridge in the valley. 

Head up main trail of Southeast route following main ridge line, there are multiple false peaks, continue following main ridge till you reach several vertical sections and locate the first of several SER markers. Continue towards summit and back down into run jungle, down Peasants ridge for the third and final time. Continue down into the valley and finishing at Yellow pinch carpark. 


What was your time? I think I'd gotten it down to three hours up from Yellow Pinch by night to beat New Years Eve.