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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • wyohess:
    I think I might have a go at this route in the next month or so, solo and unsupported. Do y'all have any opinions about pros and cons of clockwise vs counterclockwise? I'm thinking I'll go clockwise from the Coffeen Park TH in the north, but I'm… read more »
  • Will Bryant:
    So what is the FKT for this? Has one been set? 
  • COSultrarunner:
    PSA: I recommend starting this route early in the day as storms are likely midday during the summer. Also, it's about 30 miles on relatively slow dirt and gravel roads to get to this trailhead. Ideally, you would camp at USFS Friends Park Campground… read more »
  • meglandymore:
    Headed out on 8/6/23 from Hot Springs NC to attempt a supported effort on this loop! 
  • adam_stepanovic:
    Hey there, I'm planning to try for the Maine 100mi Wilderness unsupported FKT on July 6th, 2023, beginning in the early afternoon. I'll have a buddy drop me off at the southern end and pick me up at Abol Bridge. I've done a fair amount of diligence… read more »