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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • dochoffiday:
    I am going to be making an attempt at this on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023!
  • StefanLundin1978:
    Starting an FKT attempt on the 19th of July 2023 standard route starting in the south and running north. Unsupported.
  • silverfox:
    Hello fellow FKTers! I would like to publicly announce that I am going to pursue the women's unsupported FKT on the CO Trail. I will start in Denver on 7/19 and will take the Collegiate West route. I will be tracking using the spot X and have… read more »
  • pseltzer:
    here is the tracking link. I start NB around 6:30 AM
  • pseltzer:
    Going for the self supported womens FKT Tuesday. The trail has been rerouted in the hardscrabble and deadwater area to reduce time spent on roads and has been reduced by around 7 miles.