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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • marcy_beard:
    Coincidentally, I'm planning to run this tomorrow (thanks for the trail beta!).  If I end up overlapping with (and slower than) Ainsley, I'm sure it will still be a good training run in a beautiful place.
  • Ainsley Boan:
    I ran this yesterday. Lots of run-able trail, but also a lot of downed trees and snow over the saddle to Sawtooth lake. Also, I accidentally took the very first left, which is a trail to the lake, and added a mile onto the route. 🤦‍♀️
  • Antoine Clement:
    Hi, everyone, I will start the GR20 self supported, without assistance, at  Wednesday 5th July at 5am. From Calenzana to Conca (north to south). I hope to make 48-55 hours. I have no assistance during all the trail. I will be with a gps track (… read more »
  • Alan Zawadzki:
    Yes it was done last year 2022. 29:22:10 was the time He's leaving tomorrow (7/2/23) to try again, aiming for somewhere between 24-26 hrs.
    Attempt on hold until Maine drys ups a bit. The rain fall has rivers raging and trails submerged in waist deep water. We will look at starting the week beginning 10th July 2023. As above follow with links below...  LIVE TRACKING STRAVA INSTAGRAM… read more »