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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • PhillyNoFrio:
    Welp. That didn't work. In Waaaay over my head! Furthest ive ever gone was 50 miles, and I took a long break in the middle of that due to nausea. Never thru-hiked before. First time and i spontaneously choose unsupported!? Id never even carried that… read more »
    Ah-ha, that makes sense. I understand where it is now, you basically go over it by default as you traverse between Rainbow East and the Wall. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't left out of my effort. Not sure when I will have the time to go for this… read more »
  • Adam Collins:
    Unfortunately, that is the sketchiest part of the entire route. Both times I've done the HCL I just made sure to be extra cautious on that stretch- facing oncoming traffic when I can, listening carefully for approaching vehicles (no ear buds/ music… read more »
  • Chiara L Gelinas:
    Unless the weather is a total nightmare 🙃 ⛈️, planning to run this course Wed morning, 12/20/23
  • routeneer:
    Some crux passages, especially in optional category, are more difficult going NOBO but you probably know this