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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
Karel Sabbe Te Araroa Supported Complete - New FKT pending verification
Billy "Wahoo" Meredith Te Araroa Self-supported In progress

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  • steventerry:
    Just came across the Route. I will be working on an FKT on in and will do a recon loop this Sat in Self-Supported fashion. I see no Male Self-supported, so I will likely claim that assuming I make it all the way around.
  • CliffPittman:
    Correction, Friday the 7th. 
  • CliffPittman:
    Attempting the Sylamore section on Thursday Feb 6, south to north, supported by Jake Anderson. 
  • Rob Peters:
    Way to go Jonathon! I'm very happy to see someone else complete this trail! Excitingly, the longstanding Michigan Outback Relay (formerly Great Lakes Relay) announced they plan to have the relay course run the entire loop this year. That would be a… read more »
  • Taton.Bertsch:
    Hi, Taton Bertsch here.  I will be going for the unsupported FKT record on Sat. February 8th.  I plan to start at 9am, at the Bonwell Trailhead parking lot near the dam, and go counterclockwise.  I ran the Adena Trace loop (including Glidewell loop… read more »