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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • mrabinox:
    Hi Everyone, my friend and I are flying over in May to Italy to run this route. Does anyone know if the route is open? And what sort of trail shoes do you need? Does it get muddy? We’re planning on running in road-to-trail shoes.    Thanks, Michael
  • Tristen Steele:
    Had to call it quits at Queen Wilhelmina. Made it in great time but kept having my legs lock up completely. Super painful and debilitating. Came off the Florida trail to do this and the elevation just killed me. Will be back to attempt again.  
  • Sean Meagher:
    I was hiking trail 9 today with the intention of following this route.  There is a no hiking sign now at the unnoficial trail portion of this trek.
  • DougBarron:
    Ended up having to quit after about 70 miles. My legs and external body still felt good, but internally I was a wreck. When I stopped for a few hours of sleep I was having lots of nausea and cold sweats, and when I woke I was blacking out when I'd… read more »
  • jameslumiii:
    Welp, Weather ended up being much worse than expected last weekend. Heavy winds and almost non-stop rain. Called it around 50km. I'll be back....