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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • t1determined:
    Has anyone done an out-and-back FKT on the Katy? If so can someone post the link here for reference? Not finding it but perhaps I'm not looking rightly for it. Thx
  • Kristina Randrup:
    Current Strava CR's for this loop: Clockwise ( Male: 35:58 Female: 44:58 Counter-clockwise ( Male: 40:39 Female: 46:35
  • BayouRougarou:
    I don't know why that happened. Hopefully an admin will delete that and I will repost. Thinking there's some kind of malware embedded in my phone browser. This comment is on a laptop. If it happens again, it's an issue with the site.
  • Mike74055:
    What is the current FKT for this route? 
  • tscholes:
    Great effort! Interesting routing, backwards to most and direct from HH across to Great Kneeset, that has got to be the quickest way between those sections.