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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • driggsy:
    I just checked in on those Strava GPS tracks, and it seems like it appears that way because of Strava’s “hidden start” feature that Drew and Alyssa must have enabled. On the online Strava links, it shows both runners’ GPS tracks starting 0.1 and 0.4… read more »
  • jeffrauenhorst:
    Good luck Alan! SHTA is a fantastic organization that everyone that hikes the SHT should support.
  • paul_14:
    As the submitter, I had to give this route a go. I attempted it on Sunday 13 Aug 2023. I was on my usual unsupported style and progressing well. I got a bit lost on the descent from the (rocky) trail to the glacier, and had had my waterproof running… read more »
  • gingers101:
    Jk. My backpack strap ripped off 28 miles in so I’m restarting supported 8/16
  • Lauren Hendrickson:
    Thank you!! It was toasty for sure, mid day the sun came out from an overcast morning and I ended up drinking nearly 3 gallons of water overall, glad I had a filter figured out! A crazy trail, a run I’m very proud of, the trail is a feat for sure!