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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • christofteuscher:
    The first attempt was an epic failure: Slight route updates coming soon. Check back!  https://www.christofteuscher.… read more »
  • Gregtt69:
    I will be attempting a Appalachian trail FKT attempt starting the 23rd of April, 2023. I will start at Springer Mountain Georgia and finish at Mt.Katahdin, Maine. It will be self supported. Gregory J Thomas Reno, NV.
  • savannah K tuttle:
    I left the Mexican border yesterday at 10:08 a.m. I'm attempting the female fastest known time self-supported. I never got a clear answer from the FKT board concerning the closure in the Grand Canyon so I am just taking it one day at a time. You can… read more »
  • Benny.Little:
    I will be running the loop tomorrow morning! Hopefully it isn't totally obstructed. It's about time for a time to be put up in the park!
  • fastcatscorner:
    Has ayone actually run this route and is there a FKT?