Fastest Known Podcast

Coming to you every Friday: interviews with FKT-setters and other athletes in the world of Fastest Known Times.


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Category: Topics

You need to hear this inspiring story!  Jim Mann, a top ultrarunner from Scotland, had this brilliant idea: ask race directors to give runners the option of having a tree planted in their name instead of being given still another t-shirt that won't get used.

"The reason for starting this was 2 fold - I had loads of race t-shirts and kept getting more (I couldn't wear them all and they don't wear out). We wanted to plant more trees and it seemed like a great way to solve a bad problem whilst creating something good."

Category: Person-Person

Coree rose to prominence after his 21 day FKT on the Ice Age Trail, exactly one year ago.  Before that he was seen rockin' a Speedo on the 10-part "World's Toughest Race" show on Amazon Prime (a great series).  Coree has fun, and he has style.  This is a very fun conversation with an intelligent and unique person - don't miss his captivating thoughts!

Category: Person-Person

The Boundary Waters is 1.1 million acres of incredible glaciated terrain way up in northern Minnesota on the Canada border, and yet is the most-visited Wilderness Area in the United States.  Because it is so good.  Even if YOU have never been there!

"Boundary Waters is as remote as it gets.  Alex had everything dialed - those people are hard-core canoists - they paddled over two hours to get to the support locations!" - Clare

Category: Person-Person

"We're focused on the wrong thing - people are caught up in this controversy or that battle, but we always say, Bears Ears is about healing."

I've been running, cycling, and climbing in this area for decades, and on a recent trip, I realized ... that I knew little about this place. The history and heritage here is almost unfathomable.

Category: Person-Person

Dave is old school: extremely nice and will never talk about himself ... but don't enter a race that he is in, because you will probably get beat by a guy with one leg.  How would you feel about that?  (He feels fine about it.)

Category: Person-Person

Co-Host Hillary Allen asks Jason the obvious question, "Why go for 100 FKTs?"

"It's been a wild journey; in the works for two, going on three years. I had a wild 2020; I did 60 FKTs last year."

"The game gets harder the more you play it. I had to learn new skills, get more creative, become better."

How do you find the time to do all this?

"If you know Ironman training, you know I was used a lifestyle of constant movement."

Category: Person-Person

Many climbers and hikers visit Indian Creek and the Needles District of Canyonlands NP each year; they run a trail for 10 miles, or climb a few 200 foot routes, then leave, feeling pretty good about their accomplishment.  Heidi has been everywhere on 350,000 acres for 56 years, winter and summer.  She knows every spring, every route, and countless Anasazi petroglyphs you never knew existed.  

Category: Person-Person

Hillary Allen speaks with Kelly Newlon of Real Athlete Diets: "Delicious, performance orientated food for active people"!  On June 1 Timothy Olson will start his attempt on Pacific Crest Trail, and Kelly will be there as part of his crew. For 52 days.  What will that be like?  How can diet support a huge effort like this?

Category: Person-Person

The PCT is one of our 10 Premier Routes for good reasons! It is 2,597 miles long, with 420,880' of vert, passes through 25 national forests and 7 national parks ... and is competitive.  

And Timothy has been a top ultrarunner, with two wins at the Western States 100 including a Course Record.  Game on!

Category: Person-Person


This podcast was recorded on April 26; when asked "What is next", Dylan divulges he's going for an (undisclosed) FKT "This coming weekend" ...

But first, Co-Host Hillary Allen asks D-Bo about his FKT on the Wonderland Trail last year.

"I fell into a pandemic funk, too many IPA's, so needed a goal.  We had just moved to Portland Oregon, a couple hours from the Wonderland Trail. I was inspired by Kyle Skaggs, and knew I wanted to do this."