Route: Bukit Broga, Tok Wan and Puncak 18 (Malaysia)

Submitted by Khoo Kay Hao on Mon, 12/28/2020 - 07:23am
Selangor, MY
11.72 km
Vertical Gain
840 m

Bukit Broga is one of the best places to hike within easy range of Kuala Lumpur. It is only 375 metres high and can easily be climbed in an hour but it is steep and challenging enough to get the heart pumping and lungs puffing, after reach the Broga peak, you can continue to Gunung Tok Wan (675m) and Puncak 18 (809m).

The journey from bottom to Broga peak is about 1.7km, further up is Gunung Tok Wan another 3km and finally Puncak 18 (1.2 km more) which is 3 hills totally.

Summary of 3 Hills  :
Parking to Broga Peak - 1.7km
Trail condition : dry if it is not rain, slippery lwhen it rains a day before
Trail difficulty : easy to moderate, hard if it is slippery

Broga Peak to Gunung Tok Wan - 3km
Trail condition : dry
Trail difficulty : mostly easy, moderate hard at certain section, few inclination, be prepared

Gunung Tok Wan to Puncak 18 - 1.2km
Trail condition : slippery when it rains
Trail difficulty : easy

Total journey : Out & back is 11.72km , EG is 840m.

The car park used to charge RM 2 and there was no charge for climbing the hill. It has now changed to free parking and an entrance fee of RM 1 per person.