Route: Higby 3 Peaks (CT)

Submitted by Thomas Brodowicz on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 07:08am
Connecticut, US
6.6 mi
Vertical Gain
1,370 ft

Higby Mountain towers over I-91 and I-691, from the highway it is very striking with giant cliffs on its west side. This route starts on the east side but it is also quite steep, one of the steepest in Central CT. The initial climb from Tynan Park to Higby's main summit is quite gradual but once you drop down between the peaks the trail gets much steeper. Soon you will get to "Higby Middle Peak" as labeled on CalTopo. The third peak is "Higby South Peak" which is more of a bump on the ridge but makes for a fun climb. Reverse your route on the way back, climbing back up to the main peak and down to Tynan Park. There is another route option from Route 66 which is shorter but the one from Tynan Park usually has less people and the climb up from the park goes through a beautiful forest, I would recommend the Tynan Park start. For reference the route from Route 66 is about 4 miles with around 1000 ft of vert. The views from these summits are unmatched in Central CT. This area gets a lot less attention than Castle Craig and Sleeping Giant but it is arguably more beautiful and with much less people. 

GPS Track