FKT: Jakob Brooks - Toronto Bruce Trail Club Urban Badge - 2024-05-20

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 12m 29s
GPS track(s)

Planning for the Victoria Day holiday, GO Trains were on a Saturday schedule. The earliest start would be 9:30am, resulting in running during the hottest part of the day. I had planned water stops and a number of taps along the course. In addition to this knowledge, I packed a number of treats including peanut butter sandwiches, fruit cookies, granola bars, and salt. Lastly for emergencies, a cell-phone, PRESTO card, and paper map.

Started at Ellis Ave where I locked my bike. Alone, I ran a clockwise loop starting with a short section on the Martin Goodman Trail, up the Humber river, across the Finch Corridor, down the Don, and back across the Martin Goodman trail. I made two stops for water refilling, once in G. Ross Lord Park Washrooms at 43.779203788282594, -79.46221249234551, and outside the ET Seton Park Washrooms at 43.709572266829426, -79.33746511248407.

Heat played a large factor with the lack of shade on the Finch Corridor and Martin Goodman. During the Finch Corridor, I became increasingly concerned about heat stroke, so increased water and salt consumption. Luckily, I escaped with some lightly sunburned arms. But outside of the heat, my legs and body felt great.

The holiday and good weather, brought many pedestrians on the Martin Goodman and Don sections (Edwards Gardens.) It was unbelievable to run around the city, hardly handle intersections, but still manage traffic. Getting to see so many of Toronto's landmarks in a single day was special.

Granted one gets better weather, and a handful of green lights, this time can be beaten.

Looking forward to getting my badge in the mail.



YAYY congrats!!