FKT: Aaron Keckley - Roaring Run Natural Area - 2023-05-28

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 18m 56s
GPS track(s)

The Roaring Run FKT!  It was on my to do list for over a year, so i finally took a crack at it.  It took me two attempts to complete the entire route.  I ran it self-supported, stopping twice at an aid drop at the hillside trail parking area to refill my bottles and stuff my face with gummy bears. I got it done just in time because the stinging nettles on the south loop trail were starting to crowd the single track enough that it was near impossible not to brush against them and feel their itching and burning kisses all up the legs.  Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.  Beautiful day to do it and perfect temp.