Wasatch BFT second attempt and first completion.
Started at 7:00PM from lower city park - find the bench just above the corner of the tennis courts.
My support team was amazing. If you want to do this route, get your friends excited about it. If they're anything like mine, they'll want to help.
Garen for the first leg, Pete for the aid here and a ride down for Garen. Rob and Harry met me at the Alexander Basin trailhead and Rob and I ran to Desolation trailhead together. Solo up Deso trail to Mill B, then I met Caleb and Jimmy shortly after 5:00AM at the base of Broad's Fork. We made it up Broad's Fork "on pace" in two hours to the ridge, with the first hints of light guiding us through the scree and sunrise peaking over Sunrise Peak. From here, it's 4+ miles of playing on the Cottonwood Ridge.
At Monte Cristo, Nick and Jasper joined the crew, and we rallied over Superior and Cardiff Pass. At Cardiff Trailhead I needed a quick stop inside for a toilet which unfortunately was down and then back up unnecessary stairs. After this stop, Caleb, Nick, Jasper and I cruised up to Brighton, where I proceeded to hit a wall. At Catherines, the crew plus Garen willed me onward, and Caleb and I pushed on to Timpooneeke. I tried to keep it above a death march pace but it wasn't quick. Ben met us at FR-180 for a much needed break along the 18 mile segment.
At Timponeeke (aid stop #8), Griffin and Tim were waiting patiently, and Caleb finished his 12 hour pace. Once Griff and I embarked from the trailhead, I knew that I was actually going to get it done. At this point, my watch was on power saver mode (no GPS tracking), but we made it up Timp back on my projected split of 2:45 and summited Timpanogos at 8:00PM. I hung on to Griffin's heals for dear life on the descent and we finished at Aspen Grove at 9:44PM. This was well over my goal time of 24 hours, but hey, now someone else has to go get it.