White Pine Trail FKT
I went to my absolute limit. I couldn't have done it without my amazing crew, those running + cheering + biking with me along the way, and everyone cheering and supporting me virtually. Thanks be to God for them and for giving me the strength to get through this thing.
Note for next Ultra (if that will happen; right now I don't want to think about running): Just because you feel good and want to go sub-8 pace, DO NOT DO IT unless you have less than 20 to go. ?
In terms of nutrition: I drank gatorade the majority of the way until it sounded terrible and then I drank more water around 75ish. Drinking definitely slowed down in general around the same time. I made sure I ate some solid food every 12-15 miles with a combo of bananas, tortillas (with and w/o peanut butter), bread (with and w/o peanut butter), granola bars, and sweet potatoes. I also ate plenty of gu's and clif blocs.
Didn't have any major injury flare ups or major stomach issues the whole way which was great!