FKT: Aleksandr Orlov - Camino Primitivo (Spain) - 2024-05-15

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3d 11h 48m 0s
GPS track(s)
Day1a.gpx12.33 MB
Day1b.gpx533.59 KB
Day2.gpx14.53 MB
Day3a.gpx9.41 MB
day3b.gpx242.42 KB
Day3c.gpx5.53 MB
Day4.gpx7.89 MB


Oviedo to some forest around El Pedregal. 63km, 1900D+.

Started at 15:05 under some light rain. The plan today was to do as many kilometers as I can and to sleep in hammock in the woods as it was the only night without rain according to weather forecast. Very scenic and pleasant run/walk. There was a fog after sunset so thick I only had a vision of 2 meters ahead of me. Had to go in the darkness for some hours until I found a spot in the forest to setup my hammock. The food for the day was some cookies, chocolate and fanta with a late dinner in Salas cafe. Pretty easy day ended around midnight.


Some forest around El Pedregal to Grandas de Salime. 72km, 2400D+.

8:00 Waking up in forest - what a great way to start your day. The plan was to go to Grandas de Salime and spend a night in albergue. I was able to accomplish this goal perfectly but had a bad night sleep because of snoring people on the room. My earplugs didn't help. Very beautiful day with some impressive views over the water reservoir and a dam. Finished running around 22:00.


Grandas de Salime to Lugo. 82km, 2300D+.

All day rain showers with heavy wind and overall chilly weather. My rain jacket didn't do well at all as well as my backpack cover. 3 hours into the day and I already had no single dry piece of gear. Probably the only day in my life when I was so happy running uphills because it was the only thing that kept me warm. Interesting thing is that during these conditions I only consumed less than 0.5 liters of water for the day, with second half of the day being no water at all. Fortunately, I spent the night in the hotel, which had multiple heaters and I was able to dry all my things for the next morning. Very limited food intake this day definitely had some consequences for the next day. 


Lugo to Santiago de Compostela. 102km, 2100D+

I was not able to find a much needed breakfast durning morning time, I have visited like 6-7 cafes, which served only coffee because kitchen wasn't yet operating. Cookies, chocolate and fanta here we go again. Occasional rains here and there but much more managable than the day before. Had to significantly slow down for the last 30k because of energy exhaustion and ankle pain so 5 hours walking across small villages with my headlight and getting barked by dogs many times was the last piece of this adventure. I successfully finished my attempt at 3 am. Wet, exhausted and sleepy I took a taxi to the airport and was on my way home couple hours later.


It was a really great adventure. Very scenic and cozy route. I wish it has more natural terrain to run on and not too many asphalt roads. But it just the way it is and it's awesome. A little challenging at times but very fun. I ran this route with 5kg backpack with hammock, sleeping bag, inflatable sleeping pad, down and rain jacket, some spare clothes. My advice would be to pack light and always be prepared for the rain. I would recommend this route to absolutely anyone.

Buen Camino!