FKT: Alison Weal - John Musgrave Heritage Trail (United Kingdom) - 2024-05-03

Route variation
Standard point-to-point
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
8h 30m 13s

Been planning this for a while but the weather has been pretty horrible this year, so on the first good day for ages, off I went with the intention of trying to find my Lakeland 100 pace (first half at least).  Ran from Maidencombe to Brixham. 

The first third or so was lumpy and then it eases off somewhat.  The trails were muddy, a remnant from the awful weather we have had, but doing it this time of year meant not too many nettles and LOTS of bluebells and wild garlic.  Lovely route, although more on tarmac than I had thought so would probably have made a slightly different trail shoe choice to use a more cushioned shoe.

Got to the boat crossing without issue, and the boat was there ready and waiting.

Ran self-supported carrying all my fuel, stopping in at a shop for a water top up and a pub for a nice cold coke.  Met the hubby in Brixham afterwards for a nice fish and chip dinner!  Lovely way to spend a day and kicking off the bank holiday weekend.  I wasn't running it at speed so there is plenty of room for a much faster FKT from someone - please go for it as I highly recommend the route.