FKT: Amanda Lopez, Caleb Hackett, Isaac Porter - Maroon Bells & Pyramid (CO) - 2024-08-17

Route variation
Bells & Pyramid, TH-to-TH
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 57m 22s

The Bells and Pyramid has been a combo we've been wanting to do! Got the woman's FKT on the Bells traverse but otherwise this was a little bit of a slog with the heat. Didn't fill up at the last proper creek crossing before heading up Pyramid and spent about 20 minutes digging in the boulder field for a flow. A storm hit on the ridge coming down Pyramid and we all heard the buzzing, started to get zapped. Booked it down and Caleb took a fall which we quickly patched up and continued on. Sub 11 may not be a solid time but no other team has gone for this that we could find, and no other woman!