FKT: Amanda Lopez, Caleb Hackett - Mt Moran (WY) - 2024-08-11

Route variation
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 6m 5s

Car to car, Mount Moran via CMC Route, on foot. Started from String Lake and took the trail around String and Leigh, bushwhacked ~1.5 miles to gain the trail going up from the canoe stash. Chatted with some gentlemen at CMC camp who summited the day prior. Took a rope to potentially rap Drizzlepuss but quickly found the downclimb to be just fine and enjoyed the series of ledges with just a few moves. Gained the face and cruised up, onsighting CMC. Came across a single guy near the summit who had taken a bad fall and bandaged up his leg hole before continuing on and relaxing on the summit by ourselves! Saw another singleton on our downclimb that was heading up. Some route finding involved on the downclimb slowed us down. Another heinous bushwhack back around the lake, and ran back to go swimming in String! Thought we'd put this up because we haven't found a car to car route on foot!