FKT: Amy DeMarco, Emily Walker - Devil's Path (NY) - 2024-04-27

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
18h 42m 17s
GPS track(s)

Amy DeMarco and Emily Walker started at 2:35am on Saturday, April 27th, starting east to west for an out-and-back Devil's Path. We started with six total members (Amy DeMarco, Emily Walker, Josh Walker, Justin DeMurias, Dan Hauck, and Justin Lewandowski) and picked up a 7th member (Cali Janulis) at the turnaround. It was a beautiful day, great weather for almost all of it. We hit a beautiful sunrise and kept moving well throughout the day. We dropped cars the morning of to self-support, had a car at Tombstone with fuel and water, and at the turnaround, where we picked up Cali for the second half and return trip. We stayed together until the two Justin's and Cali left to peak bag and met back up with Amy, Emily, Josh, and Dan around the resupply and 3/4 mark at Tombstone, and continued the final stretch together. We decided if we do a supported effort again, we'll make the group mule for us next time! The sun started setting on the final ridge and the winds picked up with some rain making the final descent a little slippery. We ran off-track at the end (added up to about 2 miles, 1 mile each way and about 30 minutes). Once we realized our mistake and turned around and tried to rally into a run back to the finish. Overall a great day and happy to get a female time on the out-and-back on the board, and with such a large group that stuck together for most of the day! No crazy bonks for anyone, just a fun day with lots of laughs.