FKT: Andrew Rylaarsdam - Kings Mt - Elk Mt Loop (OR) - 2024-06-03

Route variation
Double loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 47m 56s

I started from the Kings parking lot and went counter-clockwise, setting the single loop FKT. I took a quick break to dry off, change shoes, and refill bottles before heading back out and running the loop again in the clockwise direction. I was moving pretty slow on the descent from Elk since it's much more technical than descending from Kings and I was more cautious after falling at the end of my first loop. Counter-clockwise is definitely the way to go but I'm glad I got to experience the trail from both directions. The rain helped me stay cool and I was happy with how fueling went. In total, I had over 300g carbs and almost 2L fluids.