FKT: Angus Irvine - West Highland Way (United Kingdom) - 2025-01-18

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
18h 9m 5s

Some Jeopardy, some pain but a pleasing outcome.


Set off from Milngavie at 2000hrs 17/01/2025 – left my wife, kids and coach John Connelly hoping to not need to speak or see them again before Fort William.


I have to say that compared to the previous weeks cold spell of weather; I couldn’t have asked for much more than the weather window that opened for me. Dry, relatively mild with cloud cover to keep the temperatures from dropping too low.


After about 20 minutes into the run, it was clear the weight of my running pack would be an issue.  Straps were rubbing on the backs of my shoulders and some rubbing on the lower back. This was poor planning on my part in that I prepared plenty for running with my safety stores, but I failed to recognise the significant extra weight of the nutrition I would be carrying and did not do any long runs with anywhere close to my race weight in the pack.

My vest was the Montane Gecko 20 litre. Without water and fuel, it was 2.1kg. With fuel and water, it was 8.4kg at the start.


First water top up planned was due to be Balmaha with the Scottish water fountain. But it wasn't working. So, I then had to run to Rowardennan without water. Full top up here and back on the move.

The tap on the Inversnaid hotel was off so no water here and had to us the streams for several hours until I could get to the tap outside the Green Welly in Tyndrum.

This was a long section that seemed to go on for ever in the darkness. Each time I thought I was past the loch side and able to get running again another obstacle would appear.


My shoulders had been pretty uncomfortable up until this point. Although with my pack getting lighter from eating the fuel and after I altered the straps a bit there was some slight improvement.


Moving on from Tyndrum though I noticed the bottoms of both feet beginning to rub. I tightened the shoes as best I could but after a short while it was back. It quickly got to the point that every step in both feet was painful. Anytime I stood on a rock it was quite uncomfortable.

This pain only got worse and it was physically and mentally difficult to push through to the end. Momentum from Tyndrum to Glencoe seemed not too bad and during this time I got the opportunity to put the head torches away (two different head torches with the NAO RL using up a spare battery also) as daylight graced me.


Next available water was at Kingshouse Hotel where a massive deer in the car park thought he would try for my nutrition as I had it out on a rock and then got a bit swingy with his antlers when I interjected! This turned into a very quick pit stop and then away…..


Progress up the Devils staircase was slower than I hoped and long downhill into Kinlochleven was a source of extra pain for the bottoms of my feet. I had to reframe the feet issue quite early on and I didn’t want this pain to ruin the run. I have never suffered with blisters or foot pain on the bottoms of my feet before and I can only assume it was the extra weight in my pack that caused it.

If I walked, I would still have some foot pain but not as bad as if I ran. But running would get me to the end sooner and then I would be able to get the pack off. There was a fair bit of self-talk around these moments but nothing for sharing in a public open forum.


I was again hoping for water at Kinlochleven where there is another Scottish Water fountain but again the tap wasn't working.


The final 14 miles into Fort William continued to be difficult but knowing it was the final section and knowledge of recovery at the end added the necessary extra motivation.


Really fantastic to see my wife and kids at the final finish point as usual after running through the strangely deserted main street.


Only the one fall overall which I was happy with and that wasn't even in the dark.


Feet are pretty smashed up and walking is pretty slow just now!


I probably set off with the target of hitting under 19 hours so I am pleased with the final time.


I had a tracker for the run for safety purposes since I would be out alone for the entirety. I used Events Tracking who provided a fantastic service and I would highly recommend.


I carried all my own nutrition which were all gels. Water ended up being source from three outdoor water taps and several streams.