FKT: Anna Peters - Otter Creek Grand Slam (ME) - 2024-05-25

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 50m 42s

First time attempting a Fastest Known Time! Super happy to beat the previous women’s unsupported record by 34 minutes. This was an absolute blast. Uniting my two favorite things - trail running Acadia and competition.

I started out pushing pretty hard but had a recovery on Beehive while at a full stop waiting in the lines to get up. 🤦‍♀️ I triiiied to get up early enough to beat the crowds but I didn’t try hard enough apparently. 

Champlain was spectacular under the blue skies today. 😍 Made good time on the downhill to Dorr. 

The Dorr climb is such a monster. It got pretty hot and I had to take it pretty slow to keep my heart rate reasonable. 

Once I summitted Cadillac I knew I was home free. The Cadillac South Ridge Trail feels like home turf and I flew. Absolute peak trail running. Pure joy 🤩 

Thanks Emily Morang for setting such a high bar! I could feel your presence out there. It definitely kept me pushing harder than I would have otherwise.