FKT: Anthony Darling - Camel's Hump (VT) - 2023-09-05

Route variation
Burrow's Trail up & down
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 7m 25s
GPS track(s)

Spent most of the day driving from NY to the VT/NH upper valley searching for a new apartment. After no luck, decided to take advantage of the 90 degree sunny day and complete my 3rd out of the 5 VT 4000 footers. It was my first hike since the previous November (10 months!) and wasn't pushing too hard going up the mountain. Paused for about 15mins at the top for a snack and photo taking opportunities. Then hustled my way down the mountain so I could drive to Burlington for the night before the sun completely set. Didn't come across many people on the hike since I started in the late afternoon, and I'm pretty sure I was the last car to leave the lot. Easily a breakable FKT for the next person who attempts this.