FKT: Ashley Gilbert - Nar Valley Way (United Kingdom) - 2022-04-17

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 35m 11s
GPS track(s)

Nar Valley Way is a river valley trail between the medieval town of King’s Lynn and the Workhouse Museum in Gressenhall; meandering through contrasting landscapes the trail is blessed with amazing wildlife, and points of interest.

I ran the trail as it was intended Kings Lynn to Gressenhall - this was in the opposite direction to the previous FKT.

Running in this direction means the flatter part of the trail is first, with the lumps and bumps of Castle Acre, Lexham and Mileham nearer the end.

I completed the route solo and unsupported, carrying food and drink in my race pack. I placed a small, labelled water bottle at West Acre as the weather was surprisingly warm for this time of year, and picked that up when passing - I then carried this until the end.

A beautiful route, packed with picturesque views and an abundance of wildlife. A really enjoyable run.