FKT: Ben Cordier, Keir Thomas - Yamanote Line walking route - 2024-10-19

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 13m 23s

FKT information

This FKT submission is after running the Yamanote Line as part of the Yamathon 2024 event on October 19th 2024. The team consisted of Ben Cordier (10th Yamathon) and Keir Thomas (1st Yamathon). A third member had to withdraw before the start, so it was just us two.

We followed the rules of the Yamathon:

  • visit every JR Yamanote station
  • take a selfie at each station for evidence
  • any route is permissable, provided all stations visited
  • obey traffic lights and run respectfully
  • start and finish together

This year, the charity event saw 700+ teams of 2-4 walkers (with some runners) participate - around 2500 people!

We are submitting the FKT as we were fastest this year, and the organisers thought it might be the course record. Ben took around 30 minutes off his previous record on this run. By adding the first FKT, we are hoping to spark some competition on this famous route. Although this was part of an event, the route can be tackled at any time. It would be nice if the same rules applied (selfies at each JR station entrance) but I'm not sure whether that would be enforceable.


A brief report

Weather: sunny and humid, reaching 29C by the end of the race

  • started at Tokyo Station at 8am in the first of six waves
  • set off counter-clockwise (first stop Kanda) far too quickly
  • slowed down around Ueno to get the HR under control
  • made the first of three pitstops at a vending machine for water / Pocari Sweat
  • cruised along the northern-most area with minimal difficulty
  • knocked back by the heat, humidity and crowds around the Shinjuku/Shibuya area
  • met Keir's wife briefly at Meguro, stopped off at a first convenience store for water and onigiri
  • struggled through the Shinagawa / Tananawa Gateway section as we were both feeling low
  • visited a second convenience store for water
  • walked small sections in the final 4km to get home
  • arrived back at the goal near Tokyo Station around 1 minute faster than last year's fastest time
  • official time 4:13:23
  • verified completion with spot check of photos (3 random stations on request)

Overall a very enjoyable run. We got quite lucky with the traffic lights and railway crossings and didn't have any prolonged waits. Potential time saves include a couple of small navigation wobbles and a little walking. Repeating on a cooler day may see us shave a few minutes off.