FKT: Bethany Adams - Adirondacks: Mt Colden, Trap Dike (NY) - 2022-06-06

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 32m 49s

Beautiful day on the Trap Dike. 

Weather: 60/70s, sunny/cloudy

Trail Conditions: Dry 

*Few things about the Trap Dike: I've been looking at this route for awhile. I did it once before. And that was before Hurricane Irene. Hurricane Irene has changed the landscape of the Trap Dike, especially the slide exit. Overall, it was much easier to follow.

*I feel this route needs to be relabeled as trail register to trail register. If you look to Jan's time, which this is based off of, he starts and ends his time at the trail register.

*I'd never been on the old Marcy Trail before and got turned around once or twice, took a wrong turn and lost some time on the approach. I arrange to meet up with a friend in the Trap Dike, so I could be roped up for the waterfall crux. I know a lot of people have done the Trap Dike without ropes (I didn't use ropes my first time), but there have been several deaths and rescues in the Trap Dike and I wanted to be extra safe, especially for a FKT. I carried 2 L of Tailwind, climbing harness and carabiner, 500 calories worth of food and an extra layer.

*Do not underestimate the Trap Dike, it's a climbing route.

I love this route. Was only clipped to the rope for about 5 minutes of climbing. The slide is steep, and it's a challenging route. Made it to the summit of Colden in a little over 2 hours. Took a good fall on the descent and slowed down.

Overall, a great day in the mountains.