FKT: Bethany Adams - Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge (NY) - 2021-11-01

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 52m 51s

Temp: 40's, windy

Trail conditions: Tough

*Personally, I think the Giant-RPR out and back is the toughest FKT I've done.

Facebook post:

My heart is content.

MacKenzie Haskins showed up at my house at 8:45 and picked up the "FKT" crate. The wind was howling and leaves blowing. The weekend had been rainy and rivers were high. I had a supported FKT out and back attempt planned for Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge. Leaving the house, I felt good, but was very aware the trails might not be in "go fast" shape.

MacKenzie hit the trail 30 minutes before me. I hit trail at 10 am.

Up Giant in 1 hour and 3 minutes.

Every mile was hard. I focused on the beauty around me and my legs ached by the time I went up and over Giant and RPR to New Russia. This is a route that makes me nauseous. It's a mental challenge, because once you hit the trail register in New Russia, you turn around and go back to RPR and Giant.

Got to New Russia in 3 hours and 5 minutes. 

MacKenzie kept my spirits high and refueled me three times: Climbing Giant twice herself. It was an epic day. Snow/hail blew in as I was coming back over Bald Mountain to RPR.

Beauty of the day:

MacKenzie's energy and smile

Ice on rocks

Oak leaves

Grouse and chipmunks

Peanut butter M&M's

Running down Giant with MacKenzie

Getting back to the car after 20 miles, 10,000 feet elevation gain in 6 hours and 52 minutes. Very proud of this effort. Gonna sleep well tonight.

Focus on the joy around you.

The conditions were super challenging and I thought of calling it twice. Glad I pushed forward. 

MacKenzie was great support.