FKT: Bethany Adams, Jason Pageau - Saranac Ultra 6er Challenge (NY) - 2021-12-29

Route variation
Standard route - Winter
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 45m 33s

I'd like to submit this FKT as winter route standard. 

The reason for this is because I believe the North East Ultra 8 Sky Runner Challenge will grow in popularity and cross pathways with FKT. All of the NEU8 are routes on FKT, some have winter variations and I'd like to add the 6er to that list. 

In certain parts of the US and world, winter routes are a whole different challenge. And I believe that to be true in the North East of the United States. 

Trip report:

Jason and I set off from the bell a bit after the sky brightened, so we wouldn't have to start with headlamps. Our order of peaks: Scarface, Haystack, Mackenzie, Baker, Saint Regis and Ampersand.

Conditions: Half and half. The first half was tough and not very packed snow. It was a "run through sand" sorta snow. The last three mountains were packed and much easier terrain. We finished just after the sunset on Ampersand. Didn't need snowshoes, used exo and microspikes.

Weather: Low 30s and low wind. Damp conditions. 

Refueled in the car. Had crates full of extra shoes, boots, food, hydration and clothing. Swapped a pair of trekking poles back and forth. Traveled pretty lite for winter conditions, running vest, extra layer, food and water.