FKT: Bethany Adams, MacKenzie Haskins - Fulton Chain Trifecta (NY) - 2021-11-28

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 18m 52s


Amazing day in the Adirondack Mountains with MacKenzie Haskins. The Fulton Chain Trifecta is a super fun route to do unsupported. We put down a moderate effort to get the first unsupported time. Packed a little heavier than needed. 

Gear: Running vest, 2 liters of tailwind, food, puffy jacket, phone, microspikes, and instagaiters

Conditions: Frozen, snowy and icy (Used microspikes on all trails)

Started: Touching the Bald mountain trail register

Went up Bald with full running vests, climbed the fire tower, descended, took off microspikes to run the road (Route 28).

Ascended Rocky, then Black Bear and stopped the watch at the register and gate of Black Bear.

Overall a really great day and fun spot of the ADKs to explore.