FKT: Bethany Adams, Sarah Haley - Cat Thomas Loop (NY) - 2022-06-22

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 39m 8s
GPS track(s)

Ran the Cat and Thomas loop as a team from gate to gate. Started with Thomas first, took the backside to Cat. Got slightly turned around at a spot on the trail with a lot of blowdown. Backside is beautiful and well marked aside from the one muddy blow-down spot, and more technical running. The summit of Cat was lovely and the view of Lake George was fantastic. The trail down from Cat was a wide, hardy, rocky trail down an old logging road. We passed a pretty beaver pond on the left at the bottom of the Cat trail descent, and the rest is rolling hills back to the gate. We made great time the last two miles, and encountered one other group with a dog. Trail was dry, and the day was cool and cloudy-perfect for a trail run! Super fun run totally about 7 miles and 1800'ish feet of elevation gain.