FKT: Brian Downs - Mill Creek to Point Lookout Loop - 2024-07-20

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 24m 49s

Mill Creek to Lookout Point – Trip report


This report describes an FKT run attempt on the Mill Creek to Lookout Point Loop in McDowell County, NC on July 20, 2024. I ran the loop clockwise, and terrain was split approximately 70% pavement/greenway/asphalt/composite versus 30% gravel/dirt. Elapsed time for the run was 1:24:49.


Trip planning notes:

Even though the likelihood of seeing a bear was relatively low, bears are active in the area – so I packed bear spray in an easy-access wrap-around pack separate from my hydration vest. In retrospect, this was overkill, and I felt the extra weight on the climb to the finish. The forecast was good for running: 30-40% chance of rain with temperatures in the high 60’s/low 70’s at run time.


Logistical considerations:

Trailhead access is easy.  One can simply drive and park at the trailhead, but parking can be tight on busy days. Today, there was an organized bike ride with bikes traveling counterclockwise from Mill Creek, but the loop was still open.


Gear considerations:

Even though it was a shorter distance, I wore a hydration vest to ensure ample hydration and nutrition. I drank approximately 8-10 ounces of Tailwind over the course of the run, so a handheld bottle would have been sufficient.  For nutrition, I had a gel before starting the climb to the finish. I love running in the rain, so I decided against any type of rain shell. As it turned out, there was very little precipitation. I only encountered a couple of sprinkles, and the course was generally dry.


Road vs Trail shoes: One could run this loop wearing road shoes. I chose to wear Altra Lone Peak 7 trail shoes because of the gravel section, but this was not absolutely necessary.




The run went well. Pacing is tricky because the first 5+ miles is downhill, and I had to resist the urge to really bomb down super fast in order to keep something in the tank for the climb. The last 4 miles are relentlessly uphill. I guess that this balance is the essence of running hilly courses. I ran this course in the opposite direction about a year ago, and I beat that time today by nearly 10 minutes.  So, I am happy with today’s result, but I think I can go FASTER!