FKT: Brittany Haver - Diamond Lake Double, Thielsen & Bailey (OR) - 2024-07-13

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 29m 33s

Don't know why the boys have been doing this one self-supported. I barely gave my car a passing glance as I ran by :)

I decided to start at the Thielsen TH so I could potentially chase that FKT at the same time.  I started early (4:23am) to beat the 92-degree heat and to ensure I'd get the summit block to myself.  I'd only climbed her once before, and I was ragging on myself for choice of climbing route when I got out there, but it still worked out. And I later realized I did snag the Thielsen FKTs too.  The sun was rising as I was clinging to the summit block, which was pretty epic.  Nobody out there but me until I was back down near the parking lot.  I followed Jason's track for a brief bushwhack down to the gravel road and then caught the bike path over most of the way to Bailey TH, which was really very pleasant and had water.

Mount Bailey was new to me and was a great climb to check off the list. Always fun to stand on another summit and look over at the one you had just tagged. The trail on Bailey felt long, but that was probably mostly due to where I was at in the run and the sun coming out in full force. I could have used more water. I did see a bear on the way down though! Was not fast enough on the draw with my camera, little guy ran off. 

All-in-all, a fantastic route.