FKT: Callan Hasling - Georgia Loop (GA) - 2024-05-08

Route variation
Double Loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1d 17h 12m 20s
GPS track(s)

On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 3:07pm, I ran the Georgia Loop twice in the counterclockwise direction, adhering to all unsupported guidelines. My total pack, with two liters of water and two days worth of high-quality, nutrient-dense, sugar-ridden junk food, weighed about 16lbs. In typical Georgia fashion (late Spring), the weather ranged from low sixties to high eighties with a side of trademark southern humidity to keep me honest and sweaty. It rained on the second night, hard. Energy levels were stable for the majority of the run thanks to my robust gut and healthy supply of Oreos and cinnamon Pop-Tarts. No trouble keeping down calories. Feet took a beating from general lack of care and wet conditions -- blisters galore. Hallucinations started around 35 hours (I had been awake ten hours prior to start, so it was more like 45 hours). I saw a, expensive-looking washing machine and golf cart and a big desert tortoise. I saw a creepy old hag and an elderly man with a service dog in a bright green vest. I heard music in the rivers, country music (took my earbuds out to be sure). The first loop took about 20 blissful (blisterful?) hours, the second about 21. Not once did I sleep. I finished on a foggy Wednesday morning to a parking lot full of people congratulating me on my epic accomplishment. Just kidding, the lot was empty except for two cars, and no one congratulated me on silly, self-destructive pursuit. Oh well, seclusion is the price of greatness. I celebrated with some tortillas and Nutella then fell into a trouble sleep. I dreamed of the hag.