FKT: Casey Pugh - The Headless Horsemen: Horse to Horse to Horse to Horse (OR) - 2022-08-28

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 16m 22s

I decided to start this route fairly early in the morning to fend off any early afternoon, so I left the sign around 6:20am and made up for my first Horse Butte summit, and it was actually a little chillier than I thought it would be, but praised it for the heat to come later on, although it was a fairly mild day for Bend. I then proceeded through the route without complication and it’s a fairly smooth route with a few rocks strewn to keep you focused. Both Horse Ridge summits were steep like previously reported, but not to difficult to find true summit after hitting the top of either ridge. I was glad on the way back to my final Horse Butte tag that I had rationed my water throughout the first leg, because I completely drained the roughly 2L that I had brought with me. I was sincerely glad I had foresight to do this, but I did start to feel some onset of cramping in my right hamstring, but luckily it didn’t bother and I was able to tag my final summit and drop back down to the sign with a time that I was pretty happy with overall. Beautiful route that I would recommend to anyone.