FKT: Chantal Demers - Maitland Trail (ON, Canada) - 2024-06-30

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
14h 28m 44s

**Out & Back**

I drove up to Goderich on Saturday night, slept in my car and woke up at 4am for a hopefully a great day of running. 

On Sunday, June 30 at 5AM, I started the beautiful Maitland Trail in Goderich to attempt the out and back unsupported FKT.

The punchy climbs, stairs, beautiful views and runnable sections did not disappoint! I could of did without the sideways rain though haha. Luckily that didn't last long. 

No bugs, sweet cream soda (why do things taste so much better when you have to work for them) and no audiobooks made for a quiet time. A few dog pets, laboured breathing and positive mentras made the day actually go by super fast! 

Halfway time was 7hrs7min. I pushed the pace to break this FKT on the way out, to take the pressure on the way back. Glad it did! Time to run back and hopefully I didn't got too hard and regret it. Luckily that was not the case. I felt strong all day! Kept the pace consistent throughout. No issues with gathering water. Before I knew it, I was back to the start. I thought perhaps I could break the one way record again, but I missed it by a couple of minutes. All good! Loved it!!!

Out & back 

100+km 14hrs 28min 
(goal was to break 15hrs)

Thank you Maitland Volunteers!! Your trail is a true gem.