FKT: Christian Malmstrom - Kalmarsundsleden (Sweden) - 2024-07-03

Route variation
Standard point-to-point
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 59m 39s
GPS track(s)

I ran this trail in march 2021 for the first time (11.13). This was my second iteration and the goal was to do it in sub 10 hours this time, taking the FKT back from Dennis Källerteg (10.55). The weather was good, a bit of wind and slightly warm during the day but not too bad. Got ice and water from a friend in Kalmar and water and energy from my family at a few spots. My kids joined me for short sections of the trail, otherwise I was alone the whole time. Had to increase the pace significantly the last hour to get under 10 hours and just managed with a few seconds to spare. I gave my all and it worked out. Thanks for all well wishes and congrats before and after! I will add a video to the submission eventually when it is up on youtube.