FKT: Cryptic Emberz - East Bay Skyline National Recreation Trail (CA) - 2023-05-19

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 37m 29s
GPS track(s)

I got started at 6:46am and despite one wrong turn and double back during the approach segment, made decent time heading up into the clouds. The bay fog made for good running temps, but it was still a burst of motivation and happiness when the first of the views dissolved into place. About 14 miles in my knee began to bother me, and I stopped to tape it on my way through Sibley. Ultimately i’d wind up walking almost all of the climbs from there. I was still able to run some of the downhills, but needed to stop more frequently to stretch and refuel. Going through Huckleberry I followed a misleading sign that led me off route, adding a significant amount of elevation gain and distance. At this point i started to think less about pace, and more about being able to finish. After doubling back to make sure I had the whole route, I continued on to my favorite of the east bay parks: Redwood. French trail to west ridge was an old favorite dayhike, and I was so excited that the FKT route for this trail followed it. The light trickling through into canyons cascading over ferns and redwoods was a constant source of Joy, even as my legs began to stiffen. The climb up into the hills of Chabot regional, proved to be the last straw for the running muscles and I would walk/shuffle my way from there. Luckily the trail from here was relatively easy, and while there was still a bit of climbing to go, I was able to make it through. In the end I made it to the southern terminus 10 hours, 37 minutes, and 29 seconds after I began feeling happy, cute, and exhausted.