FKT: Dan Button - The Capitol is Bogus - 2024-06-22

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 58m 55s
GPS track(s)

Been wanting to do some variation of a run from town to the summit of Shafer Butte since moving to Boise almost 7 years ago, finally got my act together and plotted out what I think is the most direct, while still aesthetic way to do this. With the unique start at the state capitol building and the multiple ecosystems encountered, I hope to see this route become the premier FKT for the area. It may only be 20 miles long, but with a point-to-point net ascent of 6,000 feet, it still packs a punch.

I did bring a GoPro along and will post a link to my recap video once I finish editing. :-) 

The week before I did this attempt, two local friends also ran the route in about the 3hr 13min range, but to my knowledge there are no other existing times out there yet.