FKT: Daniel Bembibre - Camino de los faros (Spain) - 2024-09-01

Route variation
Standard route
Para athlete
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1d 11h 37m 40s

Camiño dos Faros - Galicia - Spain 2024
207km along the Death Coast of Galicia. From Malpica to Finisterre lighthouse in one go.
After hearing about it and having run it in separate stages I decided I would try to run the entire 207km track of the Camiño dos Faros in one go in the first weekend of September 2024.
I had the chance to be adviced and trained by Maite Rojo, accomplished ultrarunner and previous record holder of the Camiño.

The whole course is divided into 8 sections, I was accompanied by several runner friends along most of the course except for half of one section between the villages of Ponteceso and Laxe which I run by myself.

Some of the runners did shorter distances from 18 to 40km, except for Pablo, who came with me for the last 100km (second half of the course).

During the attempt I was crewed by my wife, my sister and a friend who followed me along the course and met me in several predefined spots so I could eat, resupply water and carbs and change socks or shoes. I did not sleep during the whole run.
I reached the Finisterre lighthouse in 35 hours and 37 minutes, luckily beating all my expectations, which were just to finish the course!

This was one of the best experiences of my life, not only as a personal experience, but just sharing it with my friends and running through one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world (I am Galician, and maybe biased, but I really do believe this Camiño dos Faros is a life changer).