FKT: Daniel Podzimek - Grebbeliniepad - 2022-04-21

Route variation
Old route to Rhenen (81 km)
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
12h 15m 3s
GPS track(s)

Ran the route point to point and finished just before it became dark. It was a relatively hot and sunny day. From Amersfoort onwards my significant other joined for the last 25 km (hence the supported attempt). During the last 3 kilometers a detour from the original route had to be taken, as the Westdijk was closed and inaccesible (to both hikers and cyclists, as well as cars). We took the parallel route (Frans Jacobsweg). The total distance was not shorter, over 80 kilometers. I resupplied with water melon and soda in Amersfoort. The route is well-marked. It has many historical sights (military trenches, war memorials, and military cemetaries). I can highly recommend this route. Feel free to reach out if you ever want to attempt it or need additional information about the route.